#AskTDS: "If I rent to students, what would happen if they leave the tenancy when their course ends?"
This article has been written in response to a landlord's query: “If I rent to students, what would happen if they leave the tenancy when their course ends?”
#ExpertView: Why customer service is so important to TDS
In this week's #ExpertView, Louise Walton, TDS' Head of Customer Experiences, discusses 'Why customer service is so important to TDS'.
#AskTDS: “Who is responsible for damage caused by winter related problems?”
In this week’s #AskTDS blog, we answer the question: “Who is responsible for damage caused by winter related problems?”
#Newsstory: TDS Publish Matrix to Simplify Tenant Fees Ban in Wales and England
A recent report revealed that landlords and agents are still confused by the tenant fees ban, which was introduced over five months ago. To add to the complexity, those landlords and agents who operate across both England and Wales have two different sets of regulations to contend with.
#ExpertView: Sheraz Dar, CEO of CredditLadder discusses 'A Tenant Referencing Revolution is on the Way'
In this ExpertView, we look at how landlords can use new rent reporting technology to reduce their risk of non-paying tenants.
#AskTDS: Student tenant tips - First time renting? Act now and don't lose your deposit later
The new term has started, and so have lots of new tenancies.
If you are renting for the first time it can be easy to forget about your tenancy deposit until it comes to moving out. You've never been faced with realising that what you've done, or not done, during your tenancy can cost you money from your deposit when you leave!
Making sure you get it back hangs on what you do from the day you move in, so here is some advice from the Tenancy Deposit Scheme on what to do now so you don't lose your deposit later.
#ExpertView: Claiming for Antique Items
In this week’s #ExpertView, TDS’ Head of TDS adjudication services Sandy Bastin outlines some best practice when antique or sentimentally valuable items are damaged.
#AskTDS Monkey Business in the Garden
Do your tenants ever give you problems with gorillas in the garden? Probably not - Disputes involving gardens appear in a little over 15% of the tenancy deposit disputes we manage but even fewer involve gorillas! Nonetheless they have occurred in the past which goes to show that considering all the details in a tenancy agreement and the inventory documents is so important. This was the outcome of that adjudication…
Press Release: TDS Charitable Foundation Awards £293,000 of Funding
TDS Charitable Foundation publishes 2019 Charitable Annual Review.
Foundation has given nearly £300k of grants to UK organisations over the past year.
#ExpertView: Tenant Fees Act - When is a deposit not a deposit?
In a previous TDS article, we focussed on the registration and service of tenancy deposit protection documents too early; this seems to be recurring enquiry that our customer team experience. It’s not just the Localism Act1 2011 that clarified the updated requirement of the TDP legalisation, but the Tenant Fees Act 2019 has seems to have set the hare running once again, in England particularly.