Using the insured deposit protection scheme

TDS Insured protection allows you to hold the deposit. For more information and to join TDS Insured please go here.


1. Join TDS

Become a member online. There is no fee for joining.

Deposit protection blue

2. Register the deposit

Register details of the deposit online. Keep the deposit in a UK bank account and it is immediately protected by our insurance. A small fee to cover the insurance applies. 

Prescribed Information

3. Issue Prescribed Information

To make things easier we pull together the necessary details into a document for you to download and send to your tenant. You also need to ensure they receive the official scheme leaflet. 

Deposit administration

4. At the end of the fixed term tenancy agreement

Before the end date, login to tell us the outcome of the tenancy. You can end, renew, or change the tenancy to statutory periodic. 

Dispute Resolved

5. Return deposit and end protection

You return the deposit direct to the tenant when the tenancy ends, minus agreed deductions. Update your TDS  account to tell us the tenancy has ended and what has happened to the deposit. 


It's that simple! You only need to involve TDS or send us any deposit money, if you need to use our free dispute resolution service.

Can't agree on deductions from the deposit?

The tenant can raise a dispute after the tenancy has ended.

We require the agent/landlord to send us the disputed deposit.

Both parties send us their evidence and an impartial adjudicator will decide how the deposit should be awarded.

This service is free of charge and a faster, easier alternative to going to court. Tug o war

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